Category: Childhood

  • Giving and Receiving: Building a Culture of Generosity

    Giving and Receiving: Building a Culture of Generosity

    The Montessori philosophy encourages the development of the whole child—intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically. One of the key social principles embedded in this approach is the concept of giving and receiving. For children 6 and under, this principle is not just about material exchanges but also about the mutual acts of kindness, respect, and collaboration…

  • The Constructive Rhythm of Life – The Four Planes of Development

    The Constructive Rhythm of Life – The Four Planes of Development

    “I have found that in their development, the child passes through certain phases, each of which has its own particular needs. The characteristics of each are so different that the passages from one phase to another have been described by certain psychologists as ‘rebirths’.” –Maria Montessori As Dr. Montessori observed children it became obvious to…

  • Navigating Screen Time Use

    Navigating Screen Time Use

    Children are often happy and quiet when they have a device in their hands (*sigh* peace and quiet). However, we know that children do not learn best from screens. Two new studies have shown that screen time can decrease the young child’s words and sentences, resulting in delayed language development. Screen time can also influence…

  • The Art of Giving and Receiving with the Young Child

    The Art of Giving and Receiving with the Young Child

    For many families and cultures around the world, December is a time of giving and receiving gifts, food, and love. Whether it is a physical gift or an intangible one, we need to be intentional with our expectations for the young child during the holiday season. Young children, under the age of 6 years old,…

  • Thoughtful Gift Giving Ideas

    Thoughtful Gift Giving Ideas

    The gift giving season is upon us, and with that comes an onslaught of marketing and media for the latest and greatest toys. We’ve simplified it this year with a list* of Hala Kahiki Montessori School approved thoughtful gift giving ideas that are engaging, encourage learning and exploration and can be used and loved for…

  • Montessori at Home?

    Montessori at Home?

    Can you do Montessori at home? The short answer – YES! The long answer – Yes, and… Montessori can be implemented in many forms based on the adult and the environment in which the child resides. The Montessori philosophy is about engaging the child in life being lived, while providing purposeful and challenging work or…

  • Maria Montessori

    Maria Montessori

    As Italy’s first female doctor, Maria Montessori’s work in medicine led to her deep interest in child development.  Over the course of her life, Montessori studied all races and cultures, and through her keen observation skills came to understand that the child under the age of six holds a very special power. Within this young child is…

  • On Joy

    On Joy

    As we reflect on our first weeks of the 2023 – 2024 school year along with the devastation experienced by our ‘ohana, we are committed to creating an environment where children can learn, thrive, feel safe and loved, and experience deep joy. Dr. Montessori tells us that “joy is the evidence of inner growth” and…