Preview Day for New Families

Saturday, 10:00am - 1:00pm

Tour the new campus, visit with teachers, and get to know other families



First Day of School

Monday, See you at 8:30am!



Open House for the Community

Saturday, 10:00am - 12:00pm

We’re happy to welcome community members to tour the campus and learn more about the school



Friendsgiving Celebration


Children will help prepare a Thanksgiving feast and learn more about this holiday



Hala Kahiki Kalikimaka 

Saturday, 10:00am - 12:00pm

Families are cordially invited to our winter festival featuring holiday treats, crafts, activities, and performances by the children



Winter Break

Monday, December 19th, 2022 - Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023

School closed


Welcome to the home of the official blog for Hala Kahiki where you'll find information about the benefits of authentic Montessori, raising capable children, and living life on the beautiful island of Lāna‘i.

The Constructive Rhythm of Life – The Four Planes of Development
"I have found that in their development, the child passes through certain phases, each of which has its own particular needs. The characteristics of each are so different that the passages from one phase to another have been described by certain psychologists as 'rebirths'." -Maria Montessori As Dr. Montessori observed children it became obvious to […]
Navigating Screen Time Use
Children are often happy and quiet when they have a device in their hands (*sigh* peace and quiet). However, we know that children do not learn best from screens. Two new studies have shown that screen time can decrease the young child’s words and sentences, resulting in delayed language development. Screen time can also influence […]
The Art of Giving and Receiving with the Young Child
For many families and cultures around the world, December is a time of giving and receiving gifts, food, and love. Whether it is a physical gift or an intangible one, we need to be intentional with our expectations for the young child during the holiday season. Young children, under the age of 6 years old, […]


This is the official blog for Hala Kahiki where we share information about the benefits of authentic Montessori, raising capable children, and living life on the beautiful island of Lāna‘i.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Suspendisse cursus est condimentum, malesuada lectus sed, porta libero. Sed sagittis tortor id orci pellentesque gravida. Integer laoreet, mi ac euismod tempus, erat orci vehicula justo, a vehicula diam nibh feugiat metus…

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Suspendisse cursus est condimentum, malesuada lectus sed, porta libero. Sed sagittis tortor id orci pellentesque gravida. Integer laoreet, mi ac euismod tempus, erat orci vehicula justo, a vehicula diam nibh feugiat metus…

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Suspendisse cursus est condimentum, malesuada lectus sed, porta libero. Sed sagittis tortor id orci pellentesque gravida. Integer laoreet, mi ac euismod tempus, erat orci vehicula justo, a vehicula diam nibh feugiat metus…

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Pineapple and hale icon

254 Houston Street

Lāna‘i, Hawaii

Licensing & Accreditation

Hala Kahiki is licensed by the State of Hawaii Department of Human Services. The third year of its Primary program (kindergarten) is also licensed by the Hawaii Council of Private Schools (HCPS). Additionally, the school is approved by the State of Hawaii Department of Health to provide limited food service.

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