Category: Conflict Resolution

  • Navigating Power Struggles at Home 

    Navigating Power Struggles at Home 

    With its emphasis on respect, independence, and connection, Montessori parenting offers helpful strategies for navigating power struggles with young children, even from an early age. In the first six years, children are forming their sense of self, learning boundaries, and testing limits. The Montessori approach provides ways to respond to these developmentally typical behaviors that…

  • Helping Your Child Learn Self-Regulation Skills

    Helping Your Child Learn Self-Regulation Skills

    When children learn new skills, we help them achieve mastery by offering support along the way – like a stool to lift themselves up when they’re learning to walk or training wheels on a bicycle.  We encourage and celebrate them for their efforts; we would never punish or shame them because they haven’t yet learned…

  • Guiding Conflict Resolution with Your Young Child

    Guiding Conflict Resolution with Your Young Child

    As natural and unavoidable parts of life, conflicts provide opportunities to learn and grow. For young children who are just learning how to communicate, parents can teach their children how to peacefully navigate conflict by modeling behaviors that emphasize respect for themselves and others. This builds in them a foundation of social-emotional skills that will serve…

  • Taking Turns is the New Sharing

    Taking Turns is the New Sharing

    Imagine being at work and having a co-worker walk up behind you and take the pen you were using right out of your hand. Then your boss says, “Share your pen, they just want to use it.” What would you think? Probably something along the lines of, “They just took it from me!” or “I…